Il Global and International Team (G.I.T.) in Israele

di Eyal Yanilov (President and Head Instructor of Krav Maga Global)

Eyal Yanilov, presidente della Krav Maga Global, ci illustra le tematiche affrontate durante l’annuale incontro internazionale con il Global And International Team (G.I.T) evidenziando come gli “skill” vengano trasmessi secondo un approccio top-down a garanzia della genuinità delle tecniche.

Ogni allievo, in ogni parte del mondo, si nutrirà della stessa conoscenza la cui fonte è sicura: Eyal Yanilov e quindi Imi-Sde Or.

Cari studenti: “Master your Skill”. Avete a disposizione tutti gli strumenti necessari.


Our goal is to teach Krav Maga and assist people to defend themselves, protect others and improve their own lives, thus become a better version of themselves.

How do we progress and become better, striving to master our Krav Maga skills?

For decades, once a week for several hours, Imi and I were teaching instructors and experts.
I started these training sessions as Imi’s student when I was a bit over 15 years of age, when every Saturday for 3 hours I absorbed all that I could. These were the only regular training sessions Imi conducted from the year 1974 until about 1984, and which since that day on he stopped.

From that point on I’ve spent thousands of hours with him, mostly on the personal level, and those were different kind of training sessions, more of training the mind and then the body. It was a huge enhancement for mastering my own skills and knowledge.
Back then we were a small group. It took an individual almost two hours to get to Netanya, where we trained.
I started giving training sessions for instructors and experts in 1987, 3-4 hours on Fridays while Saturdays were dedicated to family time.
Nowadays, many leading KMG Instructors live outside of Israel, and the only way to enhance their skills in Krav Maga would be by arriving to Israel for the training or the PGE Master Camps events.

Each new Krav Maga year starts on December, where we meet our GIT’s plan next year’s activities, train together for 5-6 days, conducting discussions, learning from the previous year and improving KMG as an organization.
Couple of weeks ago when the Global and International Teams (GIT) of Instructors were in Israel we had a full schedule that included many training sessions and lectures; repetitions and expressing opinions, visiting Imi’s grave (as on January 9 we commemorate 20 years since he passed away), and spending time together.

About a dozen stayed at my home, as we have rooms for guests (Master’s Studio). About a dozen stayed at a close by hotel in Netanya; few got stuck and could not come because of the harsh weather in Europe and North America, or either due to sickness, and of course the Israelis drove back and forth few kilometers every day.

We focused on aligning techniques, preparing ourselves for the General instructors Courses (where each year dozens of Instructor arrive to Israel to master their skills), and improving our teaching of higher G and E level techniques.

Yoav, our CEO had his time in-front of the group & presented our new communication strategies & annual plans for 2018. I repeated few lectures that we all need to know and deliver in the instructor courses and to students as well.| Together we did great work clarifying checkpoints and important details in different techniques that will be shared soon.

Overall, we have new GIT members joining our highly experienced GIT Team. Those who have been training with us for 10 years and others between 20 and 30 years, are the spearhead of KMG. Some GITs have been training and competing in other martial arts, some are excellent in business and other have high skills related to security and jobs concerned governmental task forces. Indeed, within us, there are a lot of capabilities, knowledge, capacities and a strong passion to assist and contribute our KMG organization.
So dear Kravers, I sure look forward to the next years to come, where different members of the GIT will be leading different projects, helping more instructors and students to get better and master their Krav Maga skills, and taking our whole organization forward.